Monday, November 1, 2010

Why NaNoWriMo is a NoNo for me this year

Every November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and there's a full website dedicated to the 'contest' (where the only prize, of course, is completing your novel -- a pretty good prize!)

I seriously considered participating this year. After all, I'm not working. Conceivably, I should have more free time than any other period in my life. And, while that's true, I'm lacking structure (which I find refreshing, personally).

So, my commitment to NaNoWriMo lasted about 6 hours. More glaring than the lack of structure was, quite frankly, a lack of ideas. I didn't want to sit at a computer with ZERO ideas.

So, I also learned that November is National Blog Posting Month (and, again, there's a website. What *isn't* there a website for these days?). This, I can do (I think), and it will condition me to begin writing again, on an every-day basis.

But, I don't want to give up on NaNoWriMo entirely, so, I'm planning on doing some real idea-searching in the month of November (and probably December), and make writing something significant a real goal. I'll certainly be posting about that process this month, for sure (I already have a few ideas for the next few days' posts, coming up...)

Wish me luck! (and remember, you can get automatic updates each day, when I post -- which SHOULD be every day this month!)


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