Friday, November 26, 2010

How Good is the Deal?

Today is going to be a quick post ....

As all my US readers know (all 3 of you...), today is "Black Friday" - the unofficial kickoff to the Holiday Shopping Season (and a time when stores basically become like boys in a locker room, trying to one-up each other: "We'll open at 4am!" "Oh yeah? We're going to open at 2am!")

Driving home from Thanksgiving last evening, around 9:30, we passed a Toys R Us, with a sizeable line already in place -- despite the fact the store didn't open until midnight. My wife (the Canadian) said, "that's absolutely crazy"; I agreed, but said, "It's also kinda cool -- the camaraderie; especially if you're not by yourself -- I'm sure it can be semi-enjoyable."

Mind you, I don't shop, so I wasn't suggesting *I* be involved in the camaraderie; I was just making a point.

Anyway, how many of you head out for Black Friday in the wee hours of the morning? And, do you do it because the deals are really JUST THAT GOOD? Or, because - as I suspected - it's just kinda cool to do something like that (much like being in Times Square for New Years Eve)?


Anonymous said...

Alex and I were out at some SUPER bargains on things that we needed and wanted. We do it every year but we do it for the bargains AND the tradition!

AnnaMaria said...

I think that if I lived somewhere that had a warmer climate, I would probably do it. I've done it a couple of times. Although there are some good deals to be had, when you factor in the amount of time you have to spend in line, battling crazy shoppers, schlep through parking lots, fight for a cart, listen to screaming kids...well, you get the point, it's really not worth it. Especially since you can probably get those same deals later or online sitting in your fuzzy jammies, drinking hot chocolate and then have it arrive at your front door.
And anyone that knows me, knows I LOVE LOVE a good deal....but this day isn't work the hassle.

Teresa Q said...

Anna, I'm with you. I too love a good deal but I don't have the patience to stand in line and fight crowds. There's nothing that I want so badly that it would warrant going out that early in the morning.

Matt71 said...

I've never done it and I really don't know if its worth it. With all the online deals, why stand out on a line for hours and basically risk getting trampled for a good buy on a toaster?

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