Monday, November 15, 2010

The Chain of Generosity

Just a quick post today...

I'm teaching a class tomorrow to my marketing jobseekers group. I've taught it once before (using RSS feeds to aid in the job search), but, since then, I've streamlined everything to be more effective. I've also led a class in setting up/starting a blog.

I'm in the process of reading a book about networking (and, I'll post about that in a few days, I think) but, one of the key elements the authors point out is that networking is primarily about generosity. The interesting part is that so much of what the book recommends, I've been doing already.

And, the book also points out a key difference -- one that I've long thought, but hadn't really put into words -- that there's a difference between 'networking' and 'connecting.'

I'm amused when I tell prospective companies that Ive been doing my freelance work, effectively, on a pro bono basis -- so many of them ask why I'm choosing to not be paid. I need only point to the concept of generosity as evidence that my actions have purpose.

I'll be posting more about networking and generosity this week; as it's a subject I'll be thinking about (as I finish the book).


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