Thursday, December 26, 2013

And *I'M* the One Who's Unemployed?

So, in the past week -- I guess, file this under the "people never learn" category -- the following news stories broke:

Huh? So, clearly, Anthony Weiner's troubles had so little impact on this person, that he went out of his way to up his game ...

And, then, this got national play, probably because the person *should* have known better:

When you're *paid* to write and have people listen to you, it probably makes sense to pay attention to what you're writing. Admittedly, I can be a little bit risque on Facebook, but none of my humor branches into racist, anti-Semitic or any type of "hate" humor. In fact, most of my humor falls firmly in the self-deprecation camp.

With "professionals" like these, though, perhaps I shouldn't even have a resume any longer. Maybe I should just walk in and say, "I'm not going to embarrass you or your company." That seems like something a lot of companies are going to be concerned about in the future.


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